Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Life's A Stage

..but why do all the plays seem to be dramas? I understand that the world today can be a very rough, ugly place. What with the economy, government, family, friends, love, lust, money, responsibilities, and any number of other daily stressors. I try to keep my life as low-drama as possible. For the most part, I think i'm a fairly calm, laid back kind of gal. I try to be as zen as I can and always look for the brightest side of everything. So, when other people come into my life and bring drama with them, I tend to not like it much. I've worked hard to overcome issues in my past and cut the drama out of my life, so why should I have to be bogged down by that of others?

I know things I wish I didn't. Not because they are disturbing or gross or anything. But because there is nothing I can do to make the situation better, so knowing these things just weighs on my mind needlessly. I'm torn between trying to help a friend, or trying to act like I don't know what's going on. Neither sound that great to me. I feel like no matter how I react to this knowledge, it's going to being unrest and drama into my life, neither of which are welcome. The problem is that it's hard to stay out of something that affects those you care for. And what's worse...I really can't discuss this with the people I would normally turn to for guidance because of the people that are directly involved. And so, I turn to blogville.

I'm trying to stay positive, stay calm, stay zen. Maybe i'll meditate on these issues one at a time until I find some clarity.  Maybe a cup of chai and some quiet music. Until I find a solution, I turn to finding peace and beauty around me. Here are a few shots from a trip I took this past weekend to Manheim, Pennsylvania:
This little one opened his wings for me at the perfect moment. Thank you.

A stunning church I passed on the way into town. Some of the headstones around back were dated pre-revolutionary war.

Simply joy is always beautiful, especially when so lighthearted and brightly colored.

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